
Girls On Fire!

Last Friday, our older girls that attend BGC went to a conference called “Girls On Fire.” It was a fun day filled with learning, singing, dancing, and most importantly learning about how to prevent Cyberbullying. The girls sat through different lessons about social media, how to prevent bullying online and learned about self-competence and how to inspire other women. Guest speakers included Mayor Jan Moore and Dean of Students Patrice Buckner Jackson !
Thanks to all who participated and volunteered, it was such a great and inspiring day!

Terrific Kid Tuesday!

This little girl is only 4 years old and today is awarded the Terrific Kid Tuesday Award! She always comes into  BGC with a big smile on her face ready to conquer the day. She may be little, but she packs some heat, Bella has a Tiny Tiger 2nd Degree Black Belt! Bella is always fashioned in a cute pink outfit, “bubble gum pink is my favorite color!” Bella exclaimed. What a perfect color to match her bubbly personality. Bella’s favorite activity at the Boys & Girls Club is dancing in the game room. Congrats Bella on being Terrific Kid Tuesday!