Month: May 2014

The Real “MVP” Of The Week!

Meet Kenyan, our MVP of the week! During the school year we give out awards to the “Terrific Kid” of the week, in the summer we call them our MVP’s. We chose our MVP’s based off their work, their attitude, and overall character throughout the week. Kenyan showed great progress in his school work, has been respectful to his surrounding classmates, and showed great enthusiasm for learning this summer! Kenyan also dreams to be a Doctor one day! We support him fully in his goals and hope to call him “Dr. Kenyan” in the future. Congrats Kenyan on being MVP of the week!

School’s Out for Summer!

What could be better than some juicy watermelon on a sunny Statesboro day!?

School is out for the summer! Which means our Summer Program has officially begun! Monday at 7:30a.m. we opened our doors, ready for the kids. This summer will be packed with many different activities ranging from Recreational Fitness to Arts & Crafts to the “surprise” field trips that will take place each Friday. It is nice to have the kids back, their laughter and joy that this program brings them puts smiles on our faces.
We are grateful to those that have supported our Club, were it not for you these kids would be doing nothing productive with their summer. While we have a fun environment set up for the kids, we never forget our number one priority which is their education. During our Summer Program, education is something we keep focus on throughout the entire day. Here at our Club we have 8 learning facilities, two which include computer labs. We also have such a lovely staff, I do not know what we would do without them. Each morning they come in with bright smiling faces, and that is how they continue through their 10 hour work day! Everyone is so encouraging to one another, I am so grateful for the oppurtunity to work at this facility.
If you want to keep up with what will be going on this summer please continue to follow our blog! Also, if you would like to support our Club, please click the link below. Each donation we receive helps a child get out of the house and be in an environment where they are safe, can have fun, and learn.

Support Our Club!

The Calm Before The Storm

It is very quiet here at the Boys & Girls Club of Bulloch County. Among the silence, there are boxes being moved, floors being swept, and carpets being vacummed. The “Calm Before the Storm” it is usually called, this week is prep and planning week before we open our doors back up again for the Summer Program! We are so excited to have our kids back with us again. Soon the halls will be filled with laughter, classrooms will smell of fresh paint from Arts & Crafts, and we will get to see all the smiling faces that we’ve missed!

We are now accepting applications and payments for the 2014 Summer Term!

Our facilities are open during the summer from 7:30am to 5:30pm Monday through Friday.
The cost for our summer program is $125 for children in elementary school and $75 for children in middle/high school.

In order to register your child, please download the application below, fill it out in its entirety, and return with payment to the Boys & Girls Club. We are able to accept cash,money order, or debit/credit card. You may also fill out the application, email it to and pay online using the drop-down menu on the sidebar. Space is limited, so membership is determined on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact our Membership Director at 912.764.9696 ext. 224 or email


Help Make a Change in Our Community- Join Us!



ImageIn every community, boys and girls are left to find their own recreation and companionship in the streets. An increasing number of children are at home with no adult care or supervision. Young people need to know that someone cares about them. The Boys & Girls Club of Bulloch County offers that and much more for local children. Our organization currently serves over 400 members on a daily basis. Thank you for visiting our Blog to learn more about our programming and how you can help!