Donate Now

Every contribution, no matter how small, helps to make a difference in the life of a local child. Your donation will aid us in our mission to help our members reach their full potential!

Sponsor-a-child: The cost to put members through our programs is well above the financial capacities of most families that have children at the Club. Please consider sponsoring a child or children at $250 per child.

Sponsor-a-program: We offer numerous programs and activities designed to grow our members academically, socially and emotionally. As a program sponsor, you can provide the monetary support needed to purchase supplies and materials needed to run the program. If you are interested in sponsoring a program, let us know and we can help you choose a program that aligns with your interests. The cost to sponsor a program is $2,500.

Event Sponsor: We have several annual events that raise money for our Club. Businesses that sponsor one of our events not only help fund our programming but benefit from recogition and marketing as well. Sponsorship packages range from $2,500 to $5,000. To find out how you can partner with the Boys & Girls Club of Bulloch County, or for more information on how to make a donation, call us at 912.764.9696!

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